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Seminário do CEG-IST

6 novembro 2017, 12:43 - Fátima Jacinto

No âmbito do Ciclo de Seminários do CEG-IST temos o prazer de anunciar o seguinte seminário.

Data:  17 de Novembro de 2017, sexta-feira, das 11:00 às 12:00.

Local: sala V1.15 (Técnico, Campus Alameda, Pavilhão de Civil, 1.º piso)

Tema: Optimisation under uncertainty for real-world production systems: theoretical aspects and practical challenges.

Palestrante: Fabricio Oliveira.

Resumo: In this talk, we introduce the framework of optimisation under uncertainty, which consists of collection of disciplines such as stochastic programming, robust optimisation, scenario generation, decomposition methods, and others related. When properly combined, these allow the development of mathematical programming-based decision support tools that can meaningfully consider the inherent uncertainty associated with input data. We illustrate the capabilities of such framework by means of examples derived from real-world problems in which the combination of two or more of these disciplines allowed the development of enhanced models which, ultimately, led to more efficient decision support tools. We will also discuss some of the technical details behind the development of these applications and present future perspectives in terms of research development.

Breve nota biográfica: Fabricio Oliveira is Assistant Professor of Operations Research in the School of Science at Aalto University (Finland). He holds a B.Sc. (2008) and a D.Sc (2012) in Production Engineering from PUC-Rio (Brazil). Previous to his current appointment, he has worked as a visiting researcher at the Centre of Advanced Process Decision-making (CAPD) at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Mathematical Sciences Department at RMIT University (Australia), and as an Assistant Professor in the Industrial Engineering Department at PUC-Rio.  His main research interests are practical and computational challenges of applying optimisation under uncertainty for solving production planning and supply chain management problems.

Os seminários do CEG-IST são de acesso livre.