Engineering and Management Seminars
March 25
Title: Introdution to business Engineering - Joint seminar CEG-IST and CODE
Abstract:Business engineering is intended to provide systematic support to organizational change. In this talk, the business engineering framework is introduced. In addition to the layered structure which allows to support various types of transformation, the business meta model ("what" is engineered) and the engineering meta model ("how" is engineered) are presented. If time allows, actual topics like service oriented design from a business engineering perspective are covered.
Speaker:Robert Winter
Affiliation:University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
March 13
Title: The empirically grounded engineering of new organization forms: combinatory methods - Joint seminar CEG-IST and CODE
Abstract:The seminar will present a set of applications of combinatory research methods, such as network analysis and Boolean comparative analysis - usually applied to test positive/descriptive social science propositions - to the prescriptive engineering of new organizational forms. The applications have been developed in a series of papers by the presenter and co‐authors. They regard the organizational and governance structure of the firm as a set of combined practices. The presentation will outline the key features of the methods and the type of data analyses that may support the generation of new organizational forms in a prescriptive and empirically grounded way.
Speaker:Anna Grandori
Affiliation:Bocconi University, Italy
February 25
Title: Young, Open and International: The impact of search strategies on the internationalization of new ventures
Abstract:Young firms with the ability to internationalize their activities early and decisively have received much attention in recent academic discussion. However, relatively little is known about the underlying processes that enable them to skip several stages of the internationalization process. We contribute to this research stream by establishing theoretical links with the emerging open innovation paradigm of firms optimizing their R&D activities by interconnecting them with external partners such as leading customers, universities or specialized suppliers. We argue that organizational flexibility as well as inherent resource constraints push and pull young firms to benefit predominantly from open innovation potentials and translate them into superior success on foreign markets. We test these hypotheses empirically for a sample of more than 2,500 firms from Germany. It allows us to contrast young and mature firms with regards to the effect of open innovation strategies on internationalization performance. Our results show that both the breadth and depth of search strategies for external knowledge help young firms to enter international markets. Once they have entered these markets, though, the drivers for success seem to shift from general knowledge sourcing to targeted and specific ones.Management recommendations are developed based on these results.
Speaker:Wolfgang Sofka
Affiliation:Centre for European Economic Research, Germany
February 5
Title: Utilizando Análise Multicritério para desenvolver um protótipo de modelo para avaliar propostas integradas para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas
Abstract:Problemas com vários objetivos conflitantes são comuns e fazem parte da rotina das pessoas que trabalham no setor público. Entretanto, na maioria das vezes, eles não sabem como modelar problemas deste tipo. O objetivo deste projeto consistiu em desenvolver um modelo MCDA (Análise de Decisão Multicritério) num contexto socio-técnico de conferência de decisão para avaliar propostas integradas para a Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. Embora a lagoa esteja ligada ao oceano atlântico, sua água atingiu nível insatisfatório de poluição. Esta situação foi identificada como sendo um problema com vários objetivos conflitantes, envolvendo diferentes secretarias pertencentes ao setor público do Rio de Janeiro. Participantes da FEEMA, SERLA, CEDAE, SMAC, SMU, IPP, Comlurb, e Rio Águas, estiveram presentes nos dois dias do processo de conferência de decisão. Este projeto demonstrou a utilidade da metodologia MCDA. Com base nos resultados obtidos, pode-se dizer que o modelo requisito construído durante os dois dias do processo intensivo, iterativo e altamente dinâmico de conferência de decisão permitiu que os participantes se sentissem muito mais confortáveis e confiantes para tomar uma decisão e resolver a questão da Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. Todo o processo de modelagem foi desenvolvido com a ajuda do software M-MACBETH
Speaker:Sheila Thomaz
Affiliation:Consultora, Analista de Decisão, Brasil
February 3
Title: Cadeia de Abastecimento - Medição do desempenho e estratégias de colaboração
Abstract: A gestão das cadeias de abastecimento é hoje reconhecida como uma potencial fonte de vantagem competitiva para as empresas. O sucesso de várias empresas na implementação de estratégias inovadoras fez com que muitas outras embarcassem em projectos de reestruturação das suas cadeias de abastecimento. No entanto, nem todas as empresas conseguem obter os resultados esperados e muitas vezes os factores de sucesso são difíceis de identificar. A fim de ajudar as empresas na selecção das melhores estratégias para a sua cadeia de abastecimento este seminário apresenta:
1. Novo método de medição do desempenho das cadeias de abastecimento que considera de uma forma integrada vários fenómenos indesejados das mesmas.
2. Modelo para a definição de estratégias de colaboração adequadas entre manufacturas e os seus fornecedores.
3. Aplicação dos pontos anteriores ao caso de estudo Qimonda Portugal S.A.
Speaker:Ana Barros
Affiliation:Center for Management Studies of Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
February 2
Title: Carbon Efficient Supply Chains
Abstract:In this presentation we will introduce the key challenges in determining the carbon footprint of supply chains. We will discuss how supply chain partnerships could be used to overcome some of these challenges. We will use the EPA Smartway Program as an example of aligning multiple incentives to achieve transparency and collaboration within the supply chain.
Speaker:Edgar Blanco
Affiliation:Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
January 28
Title: Ferramentas de Gestão para Integração de Pessoas Decificentes na Indústria
Abstract:O seminário vai ter três partes diferenciadas, onde os principais tópicos de cada parte da palestra serão:
1. Um estado da arte geral dos pesquisadores que têm feito aplicações da Pesquisa Operacional com fins sociais;
2. Aexperiência prática na cidade de Valencia - Espanha, onde se tem aplicado ferramentas de Pesquisa operacional/Engenharia Industrial para empregar pessoas com deficiência física e psíquica em Centros Especiais de Emprego com bastante sucesso;
3. Um resumo das atividades na UPV - Universidad Politécnica Valencia, onde há 6 anos foi fundado o "GREVOL", um grupo de professores para aplicação da Educação em Valores nos estudos técnicos universitários.
Speaker:Cristóbal Miralles
Affiliation:Universidad Politécnica de Valencia e Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain
January 8
Title: Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP): Towards a Unified Modeling Framework
Abstract:Decision-making problems that can be viewed as combinatorial (optimization) problems are ubiquitous in a variety of areas, such as: logistics, finance, transportation, configuration, etc. Just to name a few examples of such problems, in production, the sequencing of jobs and assignment of resources, as well as packaging, design, and cutting stock problems have to be solved. In transportation, companies face decisions concerning the fleet management, timetables (flights, buses), configuration (e.g. trains), and intermediate storing. Personnel-related issues are crew scheduling (vital in the airline industry), the staffing of shifts (e.g. in health care), and timetables for courses. A typical managerial task is the planning of projects. An example in finance is optimal portfolio management. In telecommunications, routing and network layout decisions have to be taken. Therefore, the few examples previously named illustrate that Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COPs) are present in day-to-day situations, and their study is an important issue, even more because COPs have a negative characteristic: they are difficult to solve. One objective of this seminar is to summarize and contrast the characteristics of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) and Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), two approaches that have been used for solving COPs. In addition, the integration of CLP and MILP is an emerging discipline that has been recognized as a suitable environment for achieving the best that both fields can contribute to solve COPs. The two approaches evolved independently until a few years ago. Yet, they have much in common, and they are applied to many of the same problems. Both have enjoyed considerable commercial success. Most important, they have complementary strengths, and the last few years have seen growing efforts to combine them. The recent interaction between MILP and CLP promises to change both fields. It is conceivable that portions of both will merge into a single problem solving technology for discrete and mixed discrete/continuous problems. Following this reasoning, within the seminar will be presented one example of how MILP, CLP, and a hybrid CLP-MILP approach were applied to solve a combinatorial optimization problem, specifically, a real-world problem within the Brazilian oil-pipeline network.
Speaker:Leandro Magatão
Affiliation:Federal University of Technology Paraná, Brasil
January 8
Title: Gazela High Tech: O caso da YDREAMS
Abstract:Os avanços tecnológicos e o entretenimento têm um papel de relevo ao possibilitarem a utilização de ferramentas e meios que proporcionam experiências aos consumidores. Deste modo, as indústrias criativas surgem como uma aliança valiosa no desenvolvimento de acções publicitárias, possibilitando alcançar os consumidores nos seus momentos de diversão e permitindo que os anunciantes associem a sua marca a experiências positivas e diferenciem a mensagem comunicada. A apresentação da YDREAMS centra-se na análise de um caso de referência internacional de uma Gazela High Tech Portuguesa que tem vindo a desenvolver um esforço de I&D orientado para a oferta de soluções inovadoras com uma forte componente tecnológica para várias áreas de actividade, de entre as quais se destaca a publicidade em indústrias criativas
Speaker:António Câmara
Affiliation:YDREAMS and Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal