- António S. Carvalho Fernandes, "The Contribution of Technology to Added Value", 2013, Springer-Verlag London, 978-1-4471-5000-8
Bill Williams, José Figueiredo and James Trevelyan, “Engineering Practice in a Global Context: Understanding the Technical and the Social”, Taylor and Francis, 9780415636964
Carlos Oliveira Cruz, Rui Domingos Ribeiro da Cunha Marques, “Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships: Decision, Management and Development”, Springer, 9783642369094
Capítulos de Livros
- Contente, L., Zambujal-Oliveira, J., “Can higher education of business owners help to explain some aspects of SME creation and employment change?” Effective Human Resources Management in Small and Medium Enterprises: Global Perspectives, IGI Global, Machado, C., Melo, P.
- Gonçalves, F. A., J. Figueiredo, Innovating practices in managing engineering design projects, Management Science, Logistics, and Operations Research, John Wang (Montclair State University, USA), IGI Global - 81 ISBN13: 9781466645066
- Marques, A., J. Figueiredo, “Stigmergic Hyperlink, a new social web object”, Information Systems and Modern Society: Social Change and Global Development, -260, John Wang (Montclair State University, USA), IGI Global
- Marques, R. C., “Information and Performance Systems on Brazilian Drinking Water Sector”, BraSIS, 105 – 125, Ed. FIOCRUZ
- Oliveira, T., Oliveira, M.D., Peña, T., “Towards a post-implementation evaluation framework of outpatient electronic drug prescribing”, Handbook of Research on ICTs and Management Systems for Improving Efficiency in Healthcare and Social Care, 133 – 155, Cruz-Cunha, M.M., Miranda, I. M., Gonçalves, P.IGI Global, 1466639903
- Partidário, M. do R., William R. Sheat, “Durabilité et évaluation environnementale stratégique: fusions théoriques et interdisciplinarité”, L’évaluation de la durabilité, 193 – 213, Quae, 1772-41209782759219049
- Williams, B., José Figueiredo, “Finding workable solutions: Portuguese engineering experience”, Engineering Practice in a Global Context: Understanding the Technical and the Social, 159 – 184, Bill Williams, José Figueiredo, James Trevelyen, Taylor and Francis, 9780415636964