- Ehrgott, M., J.R. Figueira and S. Greco, 2010. Trends in Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis. Springer.
- Guedes, A.P, A.P Barbosa- Povoa, J.C. Carvalho, R. Oliveira and T. Ramos, 2010. Logística e Gestão da Cadeia de Abastecimento. Sílabo.
- Neves, J., 2010. Estudo das Motivações Turísticas e do Comportamento em Turismo dos Seniores Portugueses no Mercado Interno. O caso do Inatel e das Universidades Portuguesas da Terceira idade. Fundação Inatel.
Book Chapters:
- Figueiredo, J, 2010. Actor-networking engineering design, project management and education research: a knowledge management approach. Issue: Knowledge Management. Editors: Pasi Virtanen and Nina Helander. InTech. Book Chapter.
- Grunert da Fonseca, V. and C. M. Fonseca, 2010. The attainment-function approach to stochastic multiobjective optimizer assessment and comparison. Issue: Experimental Methods for the Analysis of Optimization Algorithms. Editors: T. Bartz-Beielstein, M. Chiarandini, L. Paquete and M. Preuss. Springer. Book Chapter.
- Martins, P.S., 2010. Rent Sharing: A Survey of Methodologies and Results. Issue: Wage Structures, Employment Adjustments and Globalization: Evidence from Linked and Firm-level Panel Data. Editors: David Marsden , Francois Rycx. Palgrave Macmillan. Book Chapter.
- Neves, J.O., 2010. Vale do Côa Destination: Towards a Governance Model. Issue: Destinations Revisited. Proceedings of the ATLAS Conference. Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 2007. Part 4, Destination Management and Marketing. Editors: Jonathan Edwards and Roger Vaughan . ATLAS, Association for Tourism and Leisure Education. Book Chapter.
- Pedro, M. I, J. Filipe and M. Ferreira, Manuel, 2010. The Iberian Franchising Companies. Development of a Model for Internationalization . Issue: Exploring the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship. Editors: Aleksander Surdej and Krzysztof Wach. Adam Marszalek Publishing House. Book Chapter.
- Oliveira, M.D., 2010. Evolução da Oferta. Issue: 30 anos do SNS: um Percurso Comentado. Ed: J. Simões, Almedina. Book Chapter.