• Amaral, A. R. S. and J.R. Figueira, 2010. An empirical study of the core concept for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon.
  • Amaro, C. and A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa, 2010. Planning of Supply Chain with reverse flows: managing products' recovery under market uncertainty. 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Porto.
  • Bana e Costa, C.A., 2010. Decision Conferencing with Multicriteria Decision Support Systems. International Conference on Decision Support Systems. Lisboa. 
  • Bana e Costa, C.A., M.T. Craveiro, A.S. Rocha, J.C. Bana e Costa and P.S. Santos, 2010. Avaliação Multicritério na Elaboração da Matriz Estratégica do Programa Local de Habitação de Lisboa. IFHP World Congress. Brazil. 
  • Bana e Costa, C.A., P.A.F. Martins, M.D. Oliveira and A. Sernadas, 2010. A Multicriteria Decision Analysis Model for Faculty Evaluation. Workshop on Measurement and Evaluation of Academic Research Performance: Policy Implications. Braga.
  • Bana e Costa, C.A. and M. S. Marques 2010. Procurement Decision Support for Portuguese MoD: The MACBETH Approach and the Acquisition of 8x8 AWV. INFORMS. Alabama: 30.
  • Bana e Costa, C.A. and M.S. Marques,  2010. Procurement Decision Support for Portuguese MoD: The MACBETH Approach and the Acquisition of 8x8 AWV. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon:169.
  • Bana e Costa, C.A., P.A.F. Martins, M.D. Oliveira, A. Sernadas and C.A. Mota Soares, 2010. Faculty evaluation using multicriteria value measurement. 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. Faro, Portugal.
  • Baptista, R. F. Lima and M. Torres Preto, 2010. Is There A Match between Entrepreneurs and Workers? Evidence From Small Firms. DRUID Society. Uk.
  • Baptista, R., F. Lima and M. Torres Preto, 2010. Is there a match between business owners and workers?. 10th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data and Cost. UK.
  • Baptista, R., F. Lima and M.T. Preto, 2010. The Matching Between Entrepreneurs and Workers . 30th Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society. Rome.
  • Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P, J. Duque and A. Q. Novais, 2010. An Efficient and Fast General Optimization Model for a Sustainable Recovery Network of Industrial Polluted Wastes. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Itália.
  • Barros, A.C., A. Castro, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and E. Blanco, 2010. A framework for evaluating firm-level supply chain performance. 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Porto.
  • Boschetto, S.N., S. Relvas, A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and F. Neves Jr., 2010. A Decomposition Approach for the Operational Scheduling of a Multiproduct Pipeline. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Italy.
  • Branca, A.S. and M.R. Borges, 2010. The impact of corporate rebranding on market value. 6th International Conference of the AM's Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG. Barcelona. 
  • Brandão, R.M. and A. Porta Nova, 2010. Regression Metamodels for Transient Simulation Analysis. European Simulation and Modelling Conference. Malaysia: 121-126.
  • Branstetter, L., F. Lima, A. Venancio and L. Taylor, 2010. Do Entry Regulations Deter Entrepreneurship and Job Creation? Evidence from Recent Reforms in Portugal. National Bureau of Economic Research - Entrepreneurship Working Group Meeting. Cambridge.
  • Catalão-Lopes M. and C. Pires, 2010. Entry deterrence under scope economies. 4th Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal. Faro.
  • Catalão-Lopes M. and C. Pires, 2010. Entry deterrence under scope economies. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon.
  • Chambel-Martins, N.,  T. Pinto-Varela, A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa and A.Q Novais, 2010. Meta-Heuristics Approach for Design and Scheduling in Multipurpose Batch Plants. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Itália.
  • Cunha, D. and J. Figueiredo, 2010. Organizational Wikipedia. IADIS International Conference. Portugal: 135 - 142.
  • Esperança, J.P. and J.O. Neves, 2010. Bike Usage and Cycle Tourism: The Pattern of Portuguese Associated Bike Riders. GIRA. Lisboa.
  • Fernandes, L.J., A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and S. Relvas, 2010. Risk Management Framework for the Petroleum Supply Chain. 20th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Italy.
  • Ferreira, M. A. M., J.A. Filipe, M. Coelho, M.I. Pedro, 2010. Policies and the Contribution of Chaos Theory for Fisheries Management. International Conference on Technology and Business Management. Dubai.
  • Filipe, J. A., M.A.M Ferreira, M. Coelho and M.I. Pedro, 2010. Chaos, Anti-Chaos and Resources: Dealing with Complexity. International Conference on Applied Mathematics. Bratislava. 
  • Henriques, R., M. Henriques and J. Zambujal-Oliveira, 2010. Analysis of an Investment Decision in the Carbon Market: The EcoSecurities' VAM Project. IASK International Conference. Oviedo. 
  • João, I. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. A Multicriteria Ordinal Measurement Method to Customer Satisfaction Evaluation. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon:184.
  • João, I. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. Appraising customer satisfaction: A method and an Application in the hospitality industry. International Conference on Tourism Development and Management. Kos. Osland: 228-231.
  • João, I.M., C.A. Bana e Costa and J.R. Figueira, 2010. An Ordinal Regression Method for Multicriteria Analysis of Customer Satisfaction. 19th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. New Zeeland: 167-176.
  • Lima, F., B. Meireles and C. Martinho, 2010. Open Source and Proprietary Software in the Operating System Market: An Agent Based Modeling Approach. DRUID Society. Uk.
  • Lima, F.  and M.T. Preto, 2010. Open Source Software vs. Proprietary Software: An Agent Based Modeling Approach. 30th Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society. Rome. 
  • Lourenço, J.C. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. An example of portfolio robustness evaluation with PROBE. 25th Mini-EURO Conference: Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making. Coimbra.
  • Lourenço, J.C., C.A. Bana e Costa and J.O. Soares, 2010. Portfolio decision analysis with PROBE: Addressing costs of not financing projects. 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. Faro, Portugal: 340-344. 
  • Lourenço, J.C., C.A. Bana e Costa and J.O. Soares,  2010. The PROBE Decision Support System and Capital Budgeting: An application to the electricity sector. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon:187.
  • Marques, A. and J. Figueiredo, 2010.  An Approach to Decentralizing Search Using Stigmergic Hyperlinks. Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. Portugal: 289-298.
  • Martins, P.S., 2010. Improving Achievement through Targeted, Non-Cognitive Skills: Evidence from the EPIS Program. Conferência do Banco de Portugal. Lisbon.
  • Martins, P.S., 2010. Individual Teacher Incentives, Student Achievement and Grade Inflation. European Association of Labour Economics - Society of Labor Economics. London.
  • Martins, P.S. and Yong Yang, 2010. Globalised labour markets? International rent sharing across 47 countries. Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data. London.
  •  Martins, P.S. and Yong Yang, 2010. Globalised labour markets? Evidence of rent sharing across 47 countries.  International Symposium on Contemporary Labor. Xiemen. 
  • Mestre, A., M.D. Oliveira and A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, 2010. Hospital Network Planning under Uncertain Demand. 25th Mini-EURO Conference: Uncertainty and Robustness in Planning and Decision Making. Coimbra.
  • Monteiro C.M., J.O. Soares and H.M.P. Teixeira, 2010. A multivariate analysis of the relative impact of performance and relationship attributes on customer satisfaction. 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. Faro, Portugal: 265-271.
  • Neto, P, B. Williams and I. Carvalho, 2010. Engaging learners inside and outside the classroom. International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Nottingham, UK: 593-600.
  • Oliveira, M., M. Carnero, M. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. Predictive Maintenance Program Audit by means of a multicriteria decision support methodology. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon: 184.
  • Padre Eterno, R., A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and P. Olieira, 2010. New service development through an idea management system: An empirical investigation. 17th International Annual EurOMA Conference. Porto.
  • Pinto-Varela, T., A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa and A.Q Novais, 2010. Fuzzy-like Optimization Approach for Design and Scheduling of Multipurpose Non-Periodic Facilities. 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Itália.
  • Pires C. and M. Catalão-Lopes, 2010. Entry deterrence under scope economies. XXIV Congresso Internacional de Economia Aplicada. Spain.
  • Ramos, T., I. Salema and A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa, 2010. Integrated Multiproduct Pipeline Scheduling and Inventory Management. 21th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. Vancouver. 
  • Relvas, S., S.N. Boschetto and A.P. Barbosa, 2010. MILP models for Multiproduct Pipeline Scheduling with Inventory Management: Development and Comparative Case Study. International Conference on Engineering Optimization. Lisbon.
  • Relvas, S., A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and H.A. Matos, 2010. Inventory Management MILP Modelling for Tank Farm Systems. European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering. Ischia, Italy.
  • Relvas, S., A.P. Barbosa-Póvoa and H.A. Matos, 2010. Oil products distribution systems: multiproduct pipeline scheduling for effective inventory management. 21th Annual Conference of the Production and Operations Management Society. Vancouver. 
  • Ribeiro, A. and F. Lima, 2010. Pay Scales in the Portuguese Football League. 10th Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data and Cost. UK.
  • Ribeiro, A. and F. Lima, 2010. Using Data Envelopment Analysis to Measure Portuguese Football League Efficiency. 30th Annual International Conference Strategic Management Society. Finland.
  • Sanchez-Lopez, R. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. Constructed descriptors to deal with intangible Evaluation criteria of rural development. ALIO/INFORMS. Buenos Aires.
  • Sanchez-Lopez, R. and C.A. Bana e Costa, 2010. The MACBETH approach to deal with social responsibility concerns in development cooperation. ALIO/INFORMS. Buenos Aires.
  • Santos, P.R. and I.R. Santos, 2010. Reinshs Smoothing Spline Simulation Metamodels. Winter simulation conference. USA: 925-934. 
  • Soares J. O and D. Baltazar, 2010. Evaluation of Real Options in an Oil Field. 12th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering. Faro, Portugal.
  • Williams, B. and I.S. Carvalho, 2010. Comparing Using the LAMM classroom observation system to facilitate the adoption of active learning methodologies in engineering education. Joint international IGIP_SEFI Annual Conference. Slovakia.
  • Williams, B. and I.S. Carvalho, 2010. Using a peer and self observation approach to facilitate the adoption of active learning. 3th Toulon-Verona Conference. Portugal. 
  • Williams, B., I.S. Carvalho and P. Neto, 2010. Comparing tools for encouraging active learning inside and outside class. Joint international IGIP_SEFI Annual Conference. Slovakia.
  • Williams, B. and J.Figueiredo, 2010. Engineers and their practice: a case study. The Future of Global Learning Engineering Education. Spain: 531-535.
  • Williams, B. and J. Figueiredo, 2010. Models of engineering practice: from a design-based to an empirical perspective. 9th Annual Global Colloquium of the American Society for Engineering Education. Singapore.
  • Zambujal-Oliveira, J., 2010. Real Options Analysis in Energy Investments. 8th Annual International Conference on Finance. Athens. 
  • Zambujal-Oliveira, J., 2010. Replacement Investment under Tax Uncertainty. 24th European Conference on Operational Research. Lisbon.