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  4. Banaszewski, R. F., L. V. Arruda, J. M. Simão, C. A. Tacla, A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa, S. Relvas, 2013. An application of a multi-agent auction-based protocol to the tactical planning of oil product transport in the Brazilian multimodal network, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 59, 17 – 32.
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  6. Cabral, M., S. I. dos S. de F. Ferreira, N. M. F. da Cruz, P. Simões, R. D. R. da C. Marques, 2013. Financial Flows in the Recycling of Packaging Waste: The Case of France, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22, 1637 – 1647.
  7. Cannella, S., A. P. F.D. Barbosa-Póvoa, J. M. Framiñán, S. Relvas, 2013. Metrics for bullwhip effect analysis, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64, 1–16.
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  14. Cruz C. O., R. D. R. da C. Marques, 2013. Exogenous determinants for renegotiating public infrastructure, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 139, 1082 – 1090.
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  28. Datta, D., J. R. Figueira, 2013. A real-integer-discrete-coded differential evolution, Applied Soft Computing, 13, 3884–3893.
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  30. Fernandes, L. J., S. Relvas, A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa, 2013. Strategic network design of downstream petroleum supply chains: Single versus multi-entity participation, Chemical engineering research and design, 91, 1557–1587.
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  33. Figueira, J. R., E. G. Talbi, 2013. Emergent nature inspired algorithms for multi-objective optimization, Computers, 40, 1521 – 1523.
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  39. Liefooghe, A., L. Paquete, J. R. Figueira, 2013. On local search for bi-objective knapsack problems, Evolutionary computation, 21,179 - 196.
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  43. Macary, F., J. A. Dias, J. R. Figueira, B. Roy, 2013. A Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis Model Based on ELECTRE TRI-C for Erosion Risk Assessment in Agricultural Areas, Environmental Modeling, 1 – 22.
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  45. Marques, R. D. R. da C., P. T. C. Carvalho, 2013. Computing economies of vertical integration, economies of scope and economies of scale using partial frontier nonparametric methods, European Journal of Operational Research, 234, 292 – 307.
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  48. Martins, J. M. G. da S. P., R. D. R. da C. Marques, C. O. Cruz, 2013. Real Options in Infrastructure: Revisiting the Literature, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 10.1061/(ASCE)IS.1943-555X.0000188 (Aug. 15, 2013)
  49. Moniz, S., A. P. Barbosa-Póvoa, J. P. de Sousa, 2013. New general discrete-time scheduling model for multipurpose batch plants, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 52, 17206 – 17220.
  50. Oliveira, R., I. Pedro, R. C. Marques, 2013. A Comparative Analysis of Mathematical and Econometric Approaches, Tourism Economics, http://dx.doi.org/10.5367/te.2013.0309.
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  63. Simões, P., J. S. Pires, R. C. Marques, 2013. Regulation of solid waste services in Portugal, Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 18, 149 – 157.
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  65. Slowinski, R., B. Roy, S. Greco, J. Figueira, 2013. An Overview of ELECTRE Methods and their Recent Extensions, Journal of Multi Criteria Decision Analysis, 20, 61 – 85.
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