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- Pinto, T.; A. P. F. D. Barbosa-Póvoa ; A. Q. Novais. 2006. A decomposition Based Algorithm to the Design and Scheduling of Batch Plants. European Symposium of Computer-Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 15. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Editores W. Marquardt e C. Pantelides. 21A, 1051-1057.
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- Relvas, S.; A. P. F. D. Barbosa-Póvoa ; H. A. Matos; J. Fialho; A. S. Pinheiro. 2006. Pipeline Scheduling and Distribution Centre Management - A real World Scenario at CLC. European Symposium of Computer-Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE 15. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Editores W. Marquardt e C. Pantelides. 21B, 2135-2140.
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