
Seminário do CEG-IST

21 maio 2019, 16:42 - Fátima Jacinto

No âmbito do Ciclo de Seminários do CEG-IST temos o prazer de anunciar a realização do seguinte Seminário:

Data: 6 de junho das 15.30 às 16.30h

Local: Sala de Reuniões do DEG (Deptº de Engª e Gestão - 1º Piso do Pav. Central) - Campus Alameda


Palestrante: Arlindo Madeira (PhD, Student ISCTE_BRU, Universidade Europeia, Portugal)

Resumo: Wine and gastronomy are naturally related to tourism. In fact, tourists often choose special destinations in order to taste traditional (or non-traditional) food and drink and wines produced in a specific region (Hall and Mancionis, 1998; Hall and Sharples, 2003). 


This research aims to contribute to the understanding of how and why a region with wines could pave its way to being recognized as a wine tourism destination. Firstly, the study reviews and discusses the existing literature devoted to wine tourism and establishes the concept and boundaries of the wine tourism experience in order to understand the guest’s experiential priorities. After this, the study presents three dimensions of interaction that define the experience: Guest, Host and Place. Secondly, the study provides a conceptual framework for a model that explains the enogastronomic experience. This explains the relevance of this study to all the stakeholders involved in the wine tourism process, since they can adapt the services provided in the destination to guests' needs and thus improve their satisfaction, as well as the probability of their spreading positive word of mouth regarding the destination. Thirdly, the study introduces those factors that make a memorable enogastronomic experience for tourists visiting a destination and present qualitative findings that reveal that gastronomy and wines play a major role in the way that visitors experience a destination and indicate that some travelers would return to the same destination to savour its unique gastronomy. The contribution of this research is threefold: it is theoretical as it links brand with experience; methodological because most research in wine tourism does not approach scales and content analysis simultaneously; and strategic as it contributes to positioning Lisbon as a wine tourism destination.

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