Sexta-feira, 31 de março de 2017 | 14:00 -15:00 | Anfiteatro QA1.2 (Campus Alameda - Torre Sul, 1.º piso) | Acesso livre e gratuito
Tema: Robust
Risk-Based Strategy Design
Resumo: Purpose: to exemplify with a business case a formal methodology for solving strategic management problems, by walking the audience through a sequence of steps from problem analysis to implementation using off-the-shelf widely available systems methods.
Contents: Both the reasons for and the solution of persistent problems with strategy making are traceable to the origins of commonly used methods. Bringing in context ideas from seemingly disparate fields helps put together a sound problem-solving methodology with immediate practical use.
The central tenet is that strategy is conveyed throughout the organization as a model of intended future. Lacking a science-based approach to strategic modeling, executives adapt ideas from selected thinkers, so often by trial and error. The alternative is to draw from formal for model-based strategic thinking as the means to create risk-based strategies that are robust to arbitrary events.
Palestrante: Pedro Mendes
Breve nota biográfica: Dr. Pedro Mendes has a Ph.D. in "Industrial and Systems Engineering" from VA Tech, USA. His research interests are Management Systems Engineering, Technology Management, and Services Science Management and Engineering. He entered academia after more than 15 years of hands-on experience in computers and software, having done consulting and held engineering and management positions in public civil services as well as manufacturing and service companies.