- Rui Cunha Marques, Carlos Cruz, 2012. O Estado Português e as Parcerias Público-Privadas, 978-972-618-683-0
- João Leitão, 2012. Pode Portugal ser Competitivo e Empreendedor? Várzea da Rainha, 1.ª Edição, 978-989-691-135-5
Book Chapters:
- Mónica Oliveira, Teresa Rodrigues, Carlos Bana e Costa, Armando Brito de Sá, 2012. Advanced Decision Making Methods Applied to Health Care, "Prioritizing Health Care Interventions: A Multicriteria Resource Allocation Model to Inform the Choice of Community Care Programmes", pags. 141 - 154, Edit. Elena Tanfani, Angela Testi, Springer (Book Chapter)
- José A. Fılıpe, M. A. M. Ferreira, M. Coelho, Maria I. C. Pedro, 2012. Emerging Issues in the Natural and Applied Sciences, "Fisheries problems and bureaucracy in aquaculture. An anti-commons view", pags. 51 - 64, Progress Publishing Company, 2(1), 978-9952-8071-4-1
- Thelma Ohira, Rui Cunha Marques, 2012. Gestão de Saneamento Básico, "Métodos de análise de eficiência e os serviços de saneamento básico", pags. 580 - 599, Arlindo Philippi Jr, Alceu de Castro Galvão Jr., 978-85-204-2975-4
- Cozza, C., Ortega-Argilés, R., Piva, M. and R. Baptista, 2012. Technology Transfer in a Global Economy, "Productivity Gaps Among European Regions." David B. Audretsch, Erik E. Lehmann, Albert N. Link and Alexander Starnecker, Springer, 978-1-4614-6102-9
- Fernando Gonçalves, José Figueiredo, 2012. Social Influences on Information and Communication Technology Innovations, "How to Recognize an Immutable Mobile When You Find One: Translations on Innovation and Design", pags. 92 - 116, Arthur Tatnall, IGI Global, 978-1-4666-1559-5
- Fernando Gonçalves, José Figueiredo, 2012. Social Influences on Information and Communication Technology Innovations, "Negotiating Meaning: An ANT Approach to the Building of Innovations", pags. 117 - 132, Arthur Tatnall, IGI Global, 978-1-4666-1559-5