The Future of Multidimensional Video Capture / Brian Cabral (Facebook)

4 maio 2017, 17:00 Joaquim Jorge

The advent of small monoscopic 360 cameras and stereo capture camera’s like Surround360 have ushered in a new era of multidimensional video image capture.  It represents a transition in media nearly as profound as the transition from film video to digital.   Digital video capture changed the film industry by simultaneously lowering cost while increasing creative latitude for directors and producers. It also democratized the medium because movie magic that only big studios could afford could now be done with sophisticated digital toolchains - so too with 360 and 360 stereo capture. We will discuss the technical, artistic, and toolchain challenges confronting this medium. Focusing on the technical and marketplace elements that both drive and hinder progress. See Wired piece here. See Brian Cabral bio here: