Programas de Mobilidade

Mobility programmes

IST offers a variety of interesting mobility opportunities to international students.

If you have a Bachelor Degree you may apply to a Master Programme at DF IST. 

If you have completed your Master,  you may also opt  to pursue your studies, in a PhD Programme

IST-Why?   Research at IST    Living at IST     Apllication Proceadure for Erasmus Students

Other Mobility Programmes:  




TIME:  Under this programme, students can obtain a Double Diploma, through IST and through the home University, as long as there is a bilateral agreement celebrated with IST >>

CLUSTER The CLUSTER Dual Masters programme allow master students who study one year at IST and one year at another CLUSTER university (with a valid agreement with IST) to obtain two Master Diplomas at the end of the study period. >>

For more information, please contact the Mobility and International Cooperation Office. NMCI coordinates the participation of IST in several international mobility programmes and networks. 

