Grades "Época Especial"
27 julho 2021, 11:02 • Miguel Matos
The grades for the exam of "Época Especial" are now available under the Grades section.
"Revisão de provas" will take place
Alameda: Friday, July 29, 16:00
Tagus: Friday, July 29, 16:00
via the Zoom used for the theoretical classes on each campus.
Exam of "Época Especial"
22 julho 2021, 15:54 • Miguel Matos
Grades after 2nd exam
14 julho 2021, 19:41 • Miguel Matos
The grades for the 2nd exam are now available under the Grades section.
"Revisão de provas" will take place
Alameda: Friday, July 16, 10:30
Tagus: Friday, July 16, 16:30
via the Zoom used for the theoretical classes on each campus.
Época Especial
14 julho 2021, 19:34 • Miguel Matos
For students registered for Época Especial, the final grade of Época Especial is given by:
2nd Exam rooms (Alameda)
7 julho 2021, 10:58 • Miguel Matos
For the second exam in Alameda, the exam room will be F3.