
Grades "Época Especial"

27 julho 2021, 11:02 Miguel Matos

The grades for the exam of "Época Especial" are now available under the Grades section.
"Revisão de provas" will take place

Alameda: Friday, July 29, 16:00
Tagus: Friday, July 29, 16:00

via the Zoom used for the theoretical classes on each campus.

Exam of "Época Especial"

22 julho 2021, 15:54 Miguel Matos

Dear students,

Note that the Exam of "Época Especial" will be tomorrow at 08:00 in both campi - previously the exams were incoprrectly schedulled at different times.

Also make sure to attend the exam in your respective campi.

Good luck.

Grades after 2nd exam

14 julho 2021, 19:41 Miguel Matos

The grades for the 2nd exam are now available under the Grades section.
"Revisão de provas" will take place

Alameda: Friday, July 16, 10:30
Tagus: Friday, July 16, 16:30

via the Zoom used for the theoretical classes on each campus.

Época Especial

14 julho 2021, 19:34 Miguel Matos

For students registered for Época Especial, the final grade of Época Especial is given by:

- 55%  Exam + 45% Project

The exam is mandatory and in person.
Students that have been approved in this year's project can keep the project's grade.

Students that want to to the project in Época Especial should contact Prof. Paolo Romano and Prof. Miguel Matos to ask for a new project assigment by Friday, July 16.
The project should be done individually, i.e. not in group.

The project submission will be on July 26 @23:59 through Fenix.
The project discussion will be done via Zoom on July 27 starting at 15:00.

2nd Exam rooms (Alameda)

7 julho 2021, 10:58 Miguel Matos

For the second exam in Alameda, the exam room will be F3.