Últimos anúncios

week of October 14

10 outubro 2013, 12:31 Joao Pedro Estrela Rodrigues Conde

HW4 (due on sunday, 013/10) is available in the course homepage.

The papers for P1 are available. Please indicate your top 3 choices between monday (Oct 14) and wednesday (Oct- 16). Please note that your choices may be conditioned by previous choices made by other students. After your choice is confirmed, you can start preparing your presentation. Please read the instructions/suggestions carefully.

Office hours on friday (Oct 18) (10-12h).

No formal classes this week. Visits to INESC-MN cleanroom, according to the schedule posted in the homepage.

week of October 7

6 outubro 2013, 11:54

week of September 30

29 setembro 2013, 12:51

week of September 23

22 setembro 2013, 09:47

week of September 16

15 setembro 2013, 11:03

Corpo Docente

Joao Pedro Estrela Rodrigues Conde

