
AT13 - 2D Problems (cont.) (aula online)

4 novembro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Answer to question related to de project/assignment 1.
Heat conduction in 2D:
- obtaining the matrix Ke from its expression of Ke_i,j;
- obtaining the load vector Fe for a 3 node triangular element.
Discretization to nodes of the distributed heat source (in area).
Discretization to nodes of the heat flux (in the boundary line).

AP6L 1D problems + 2D problem (aula online)

2 novembro 2020, 10:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Prob. 14-A
Prob. 15 (only item a)

AP6 1D problems + 2D problem (aula online)

2 novembro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Prob. 14-A
Prob. 15 (only item a)

AT12 - 2D Problems (aula online)

2 novembro 2020, 08:00 Miguel Matos Neves

Heat conduction in 2D:
- strong and symmetric weak formulations;
- potential and energy balance;
- shape functions for finite element of 3 and 4 nodes;
- expression of Ke_i,j and Fe_i

AT11- 2D Problems (aula online)

28 outubro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

A notes on solving Neumann problems (ex. Prob8 c) and d)).
Introduction to 2D Problems: scalar and vectorial.
Heat conduction in 2D: strong and symmetric weak formulations.