
AP9 - 2D problem (aula online)

23 novembro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Prob. 16 (c) Coordinates transformation and reversibility.
Prob. 18 Minimum Gauss integration rule required for integration exactness.
Prob. 17 Derivative of shape functions wrt to original plane xoy (a only).

AT18 -  2D Vectorial Problems

23 novembro 2020, 08:00 Miguel Matos Neves

Elasticity: Strong and weak formulations (tensorial and matrix notations). Interpolation matrix for finite element T3 or CST. Strain and matrix L. The matrix B. Obtaining the stiffness matrix entries and load vector forces due volumic forces and due surface forces.

AT17 - 2D Scalar Problems (cont.) and 2D Vectorial Problems (aula online)

18 novembro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Programming in Matlab/Octave for 2D Scalar Problems.
Mesh generation in Matlab/Octave for 2D Problems (T3 with Delaunay).
Elasticity: Strong and weak formulations.

AP8L - 2D problem

16 novembro 2020, 10:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Prob. 15 (d-g)
Programming in Matlab/Octave for 2D Scalar Problems.
Prob. 16 (a, b)

AP8 - 2D problem

16 novembro 2020, 09:30 Miguel Matos Neves

Prob. 15 (d-g)
Programming in Matlab/Octave for 2D Scalar Problems.
Prob. 16 (a, b)