Últimos anúncios

Last announcement

28 fevereiro 2021, 15:46 Susana Vinga

The Final Marks have been submitted to the Central Services of IST and are also available in Fenix.

On behalf of all the faculty, congratulations on your excellent work!  

We wish you all the best for your remaining tasks and all the luck and success for the next semester. 

Best, Susana

Final Gradings now available

19 fevereiro 2021, 21:16

Exam 2 - Solutions now available

17 fevereiro 2021, 13:32

Exam 2 - Gradings now available

16 fevereiro 2021, 14:42

Review of Exam 2 - Revisão de Prova - 19 February 2021 - Zoom

15 fevereiro 2021, 01:19

Corpo Docente

Susana Vinga



Ana Teresa Correia de Freitas

Nuno Luis Barbosa Morais