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Project presentation calendar

26 janeiro 2022, 23:58 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The project presentation calendar is now available in this link.

Be sure to read again all the instructions to Present and Defend

The presentations are done by the whole group, in person, on campus, and are transmitted for a remote audience. Each group must attend from the beginning of their assigned session and remain for the duration of it. Presenters need to be physically present in the lecture room. Please follow the safety rules for being on campus (face masks, etc.). If there are health isolation conditions, these need to be communicated (and documented) to the teaching staff as soon as possible. 

 All inquiries about the project presentations should use the following email: meic-sirs@disciplinas.tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Date and time for project code and report submission

25 janeiro 2022, 12:38

Viffera presentation on the Thursday January 20th lecture (after the mini-test)

18 janeiro 2022, 14:07

Mini-test 2 will allow multiple answers

18 janeiro 2022, 10:45

Mini-test 2

16 janeiro 2022, 10:46

Corpo Docente

Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal



Ricardo Chaves



Cláudio José Pereira Correia

Diogo Lopes Vaz

Mateus Da Silva Dias Líbano Monteiro

Miguel de Oliveira Guerreiro

Pedro Miguel Gomes Silva Rosa

Rodrigo de Magalhães Marques dos Santos Silva