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Special season evaluation

17 julho 2017, 12:46 Ricardo Chaves

The special season evaluation consists of an individual  project assignment and an exam. Both have to be done, since non of the grads from previous evaluations can be reused.

The student being evaluated in the special season must contact me (ASAP) to set a meeting to discuss the project assignment.
The project proposal must include :
Problem (Given the chosen scenario, why is security necessary? What is the main problem being solved?)

Requirements (Which security requirements were identified for the solution? Present as list)

Proposed solution (overview with diagram and explanation. Be explicit about keys and how they will be distributed.)

Tool references (libraries, etc. that will be used in the project.)

Work plan

Best regards,
Ricardo Chaves.

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Corpo Docente

Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal



Ricardo Chaves



David Rogério Póvoa de Matos

Pedro Adão