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Lab Group Enrollment

11 abril 2024, 19:16 Luis Caldas de Oliveira

Spoken Language Processing

Lab Group Enrollment

The SLP lab group enrollment will be open from noon on April 12th (Friday) till noon on April 16th (Tuesday).

To enroll in a lab group, students will use the Fenix system. Each lab group will consist of 2 students. One student will enroll on behalf of both members. IMPORTANT: Both students must be enrolled in the same lab shift. If students are in different lab shifts, the group will be randomly assigned to a lab shift with available slots.

If a student enrolls another student without his or her consent, the student enrollment will be canceled and will be manually enrolled by the lab instructor after all the other students are enrolled. To prevent any misunderstandings, the student who enrolls another student should ask for the agreement in the form of an email message, for example. 

Students without a group by the end of the enrollment period should ask the lab instructor to be assigned to a group with another unenrolled student.

Lab sessions will start on Wednesday, April 17th (the first week of classes).

Welcome to the 2023/24 edition of the Spoken Language Processing course

8 janeiro 2024, 16:38

Corpo Docente

Luis Caldas de Oliveira



Alberto Abad

Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins