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Second Exam Grades and Época Especial

17 julho 2023, 12:40 Luis Caldas de Oliveira

Second Exam Grades

The second exam (2ª Época) grades are now available here. The review will take place this Wednesday, July 19th, from 14:30 to 15:30, in the LSDC1 Lab (North Tower).

Época Especial Exam

The Época Especial exam will be held on July 27th, 2023, from 18:00 to 20:00, in room V1.17 (Civil Pavilion).

The grading formula for Época Especial is identical to that of the other exams, with the final lab grade carrying a weight of 40%.

If you are allowed to enroll in the Época Especial exam and do not have a lab grade, please contact me (lco@tecnico.ulisboa.pt) without delay. You will be assigned a practical project encompassing the topics of the three lab assignments. The deadline for the project submission is July 24th. Furthermore, an oral assessment of the project will take place on the morning of July 27th.

Second Exam and Época Especial

13 julho 2023, 17:35

Second exam enrollment

7 julho 2023, 10:02

Third Lab Assignment Grades

5 julho 2023, 20:07

Exam text, solution and review

30 junho 2023, 17:54

Corpo Docente

Luis Caldas de Oliveira



Alberto Abad

Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins

João Damião Mano Lopes Marques de Almeida