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Instructions for the Exam

17 junho 2020, 13:47 Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão

Students should be aware that in order to make the exam they necessitate a perfectly operative internet connection, a webcam, a microphone, and sound receivers. Students are required to film themselves continuously, and to transmit the filmed images continuously to a zoom meeting, while taking the exam. (The images will not be kept.)

Students are allowed to read and consult any kind of written record while making the exam. Students are prohibited from talking or otherwise communicating with anyone, except the professor, during the exam.

Luís Lavoura

Aula de 12-5-2020

9 maio 2020, 18:56

PDFs das Aulas

18 março 2020, 17:33

Corpo Docente

Luís Manuel Balio Lavoura



Jorge Manuel Rodrigues Crispim Romão