
Test on Thursday 10Dec 19:00

9 dezembro 2020, 11:31 Miguel Matos Neves

The evaluation 1st Test will take place on 10/12/2020, begin at 19:00 (will last 1h30), at rooms V1.10 (students w/ even numbers) and V1.11 (students w/ odd numbers). It is an open-book evaluation (except other resolutions than the ones in the book).

This week 7Dec 9h40 and 9Dec 9h40

5 dezembro 2020, 16:35 Miguel Matos Neves

This week of 7Dec
7Dec * I will be available at 9h40 to questions about the test as well as support to work2
in the Computational Mech 9h40 Problems Lesson time (Usual link)
At 7Dec, there will be no theoretical lessons.
9Dec Wed 9:30-11h00
MetComp Theory_2  AM Zoom (Usual link)
In this lesson, we will finish the problems with a beam and frame exercise.

Clarification on the Chapter numbers from the Reddy book for the exam.

1 dezembro 2020, 12:06 Miguel Matos Neves

The lessons (and slides) correspond to the following chapter numbers from Reddy book:
Introduction Chap. 1
2nd ODEs in 1D (and 2D Trusses) Chap. 3, 4  obs: 3.1-3.3 + 3.5  (not 3.4 Axisymmetric pp 147-149)
Scalar (Single-Variable) Bidimensional FEs Chap. 8, 9
Vectorial Bidimensional (Plane Elasticity) FEs Chap. 8, 11
4th order ODE in 1D (and 2D frames) Chap. 5

Zoom link of the theoretical lesson 2Dec Wed 9h40-11h

29 novembro 2020, 18:06 Miguel Matos Neves

Due to the participation in the University of Lisbon's "Observar e Aprender" program the link of the theoretical lesson 2Dec Wed 9h40-11h is changed according to the information you already received by email.

This information is also available in this fenix page at the item "Problem lessons, shifts s and zoom links" in the begin of the ascii file 20200917v4_Shifts_LinkZoom.txt.

Assignment 2 and rules

29 novembro 2020, 18:04 Miguel Matos Neves

Students can find their project/assignment 2 and its rules in item Assignment2_deadline3Jan.
Any relevant addition to the project/assignment_2 rules (if requested by students) will be indicated in fénix with a version number v00, v01, ... and respectives changes marked in color (yellow, green, ...). In case of doubt do not improvise, but contact the teacher by email to discuss it and your proposals.