Últimos anúncios

Grades Época Especial

17 julho 2015, 12:49 Helena Galhardas

51643 - Francisco Saramago - 12.9

70603 - Francisco Antunes - 11.15
79466 - João Pedro Eduardo - 7.95

Students who want to visualize the correction of their exams can do that next tuesday, 21/7, 10H (room 2N5.19 IST Tagus/Helena Galhardas or INESC-ID Alameda/Pável Calado)

Final grades after visualization of exam 2 and oral examinations

10 fevereiro 2015, 06:44

Exam 2 - grades

8 fevereiro 2015, 10:12

Exam 2 - grades and visualization of the exam

6 fevereiro 2015, 11:22

Exam 2 - rooms

29 janeiro 2015, 20:12

Corpo Docente

Bruno Emanuel Da Graça Martins



Helena Galhardas



Diogo Ribeiro Ferreira