
Support to mini-projects (aula online)

12 maio 2020, 13:30 Susana Vinga

The class was used to provide support to the projects being undertaken by the students.

Support to mini-projects

11 maio 2020, 17:00 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

The class was used to provide support to the projects being undertaken by the students.

Lab4 part II

8 maio 2020, 09:30 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Lab4: Exploring genetic manipulation strategies to modulate alcoholic fermentation carried out by Saccharomyces cerevisae: insights gathered from in silico approaches (part II). Given the COVID pandemic, instead of the wet lab class, the experimental design, methods and results to be obtained were discussed. Real results from previous years are to be analysed by the students in their class report. 

Support to mini-projects

5 maio 2020, 13:30 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

The class was used to provide support to the projects being undertaken by the students.

Strain optimization for carboxylic acid production (cont.)

4 maio 2020, 17:00 Miguel Nobre Parreira Cacho Teixeira

Carboxylic acid production bottlenecks. Stress effects and resistance mechanism manipulation. Strain manipulation for S. cerevisiae production optimization of pyruvate, malate and succinate.