
Lab4 protocol_updated

10 junho 2022, 13:55 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


Since some of few have raised questions on how we can compare the wild-type and the mutant model in what concerns FVA, i have made a minor update in the protocol trying to help you get there. Let me know if you come across any questions about this.

Have a nice day,

Pitch presentations

8 junho 2022, 15:17 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


In order to speed up pitch presentations tomorrow all groups are required to upload their PPT presentations via fenix (there is a project available called pitches) until TOMORROW 12h. Each group makes a 7 min presentation.

I will download all presentations and we will run them through my lap top. Remember that tomorrow's theoretical class will take place in room PA1. Please be there 5-10 min in advance so that we can complete the class on time. The discussion of your pitch will also include our definition of what can be the first tasks you can do to move forward your project. 

See u there,

Minor update protocol Lab4_UPDATED

6 junho 2022, 12:39 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


While going through your protocol for lab 4 we found a tiny mistake that might be preventing Optknock function to go properly. I've made the modification. Check it out.

Check out the dropbox folder in order to solve common problems with the installation/implementation of your MatLab tools.

See you soon,

Tutorial classes for projects support

3 junho 2022, 16:08 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


Note that theoretical classes on THU changed rooms to PA1 (to avoid problems with the slide show). The schedule of the course has been updated accordingly.

As discussed in yesterday's class next THU we will have the pitches concerning your projects. Remember, 7 mins presentation ONLY. Feel free to send me your ideas/slides for the presentation to get some guidance on what you are supposed to do/present.

Also don't forget to set in motion the computational part of your lab 4A (a lot of it we have discussed/have been discussing in class, so i am quite worried with a bunch of students whose attendance is not the best). Note that by the end of the practical class you need to suggest three strains that you would like to test in vivo for production of EtOH.

To support the development of projects I am hereby scheduling tutorial 45 minutes classes (non-mandatory of course) that you can use to talk with me about the development of your projects. These classes are scheduled until the end of the period. Please try to the best of your ability to attend those classes for project support. Classes will happen HERE

MONDAY: 11 till 11:45;
WEDNESDAY: 11:30 - 12h15

Have a nice weekend,

Projects 2022_UPDATED

23 maio 2022, 12:02 Nuno Gonçalo Pereira Mira


You can find a new section in the webpage fully dedicated to the projects. There you can find the material, the video and also the links you will need to register your preferences. You can now see project assignment also in this section. Note that in some cases all the preferences selected by the group may already have been taken which led to the need of assigning a non-preferred project.

See you soon,