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Final grades published!!!

3 fevereiro 2018, 19:24 José Borbinha

The Exam2 grades (with the reference correction of the two tests, equivalent to the two parts of the exam) are published in the section "Tests and Exams"
The final grades of the course are published in the section "Grades"

For any "NVA issue" concerning the Exam2, please send an email during the 48 hours to jlb@tecnico.ulisboa.pt (depending of the issue, a follow-up will be decided...)

Grades will be recorded and signed at any moment after Monday...

Exam today STARTING TIME = 15:00 for ALL STUDENTS!!!

2 fevereiro 2018, 13:46

Students Registered for the 2º Exam

28 janeiro 2018, 20:48

Registration for the 2n Exam

16 janeiro 2018, 10:12

Consolidated grades

16 janeiro 2018, 10:11

Corpo Docente

José Borbinha



Miguel Mira da Silva