
Run-Time Environment

20 maio 2008, 14:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

The procedure abstraction and the use of static and stack memory. Organization of the activation record and access to non-local variables.

Run-Time Environment - Data Layout and Stack Organization

20 maio 2008, 10:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Run-Time Environment - Data Layout for local variables and parameters. Stack organization of the Activation Records and access to non-local variables. Exercises.

Run-Time Environment - Data Layout and Stack Organization

16 maio 2008, 17:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Run-Time Environment - Data Layout for local variables and parameters. Stack organization of the Activation Records and access to non-local variables. Exercises.

Run-Time Environmnet - Access to Non-local Variables

15 maio 2008, 14:30 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

The issue of lexical scope in PASCAL-like languages. Access to non-local variables using the access links and the display mechanism. Examples.

Intermediate Code Generation

14 maio 2008, 17:00 Pedro Nuno Cruz Diniz

Intermediate code generation for booleans and control-flow constructs. backpatching examples and exercises.