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Revisão de Prova 2.º Exame

10 julho 2018, 09:25 Luís Antunes Veiga

Dear students,

The grades are available in the Grades/Pautas Section.

The review of the 2nd exam will take place July 12th:

Taguspark 13:00, Room 1.24 
Alameda: 15h00, Room P1

Please email me if you want to attend the Revisão until Thursday 11h30, otherwise I will sign the grades in the academic services directly.

The grades will published until thursday morning.
Good work

2nd Exam enrolment closed

5 julho 2018, 16:17

Enrolment for 2nd Exam

2 julho 2018, 08:09

Revisão de Prova 1.º Exame

2 julho 2018, 08:03

Presentation Grades

26 junho 2018, 18:28

Corpo Docente

Luís Antunes Veiga


André Filipe Pardal Pires