Dear students,

For paper presentations (10% of class grade), each lab group should send e-mail to stating:
- Lab Shift and Campus
- Group Number (do not confuse this)
- By priority, 4 choices of papers to present (check the dates for each paper in your official shift)
respecting the schedule and the group official lab shift (unless otherwise instructed).

The rules and schedules are available at:

The papers are available at:

In addition to this, we welcome if groups from the labs with 8 groups (Tue 17h00@AL, and Fri 13h30@TP)) show availability to present
one/some/all of their alternatives instead in one of the shifts with fewer groups (Wed 18@AL and Fri 16h30@TP, respectively). We may use this to keep presentations more balanced.

The presentation Schedule, Room locations, will be updated at for each campus in its dedicated spreadsheet.

Good work,