Últimos anúncios

Revisão de Prova 2.º Exame

27 julho 2020, 17:35 Luís Antunes Veiga

Dear students,

The review of the 2nd exam will take place July 29th, 18h00 (Lisbon time). 

The grades for the 2nd exam, presentations and attendance are published in the Pautas/Grades Section.

Instructions for the Exam Review/"Revisão de Prova" are described in the Lectures/"Aulas Téoricas" Section.

Good work.


Details for 2nd Exam

17 julho 2020, 11:49

Preparation for 2nd Exam

13 julho 2020, 19:30

Revisão de Prova 1.º Exame

8 julho 2020, 17:00

Details for 1st Exam

26 junho 2020, 13:56

Corpo Docente

Luís Antunes Veiga


Leonor Filipa Dias Alves Parreira Loureiro