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Revisão de Prova 2.º Exame/Exam 2 Review

25 julho 2022, 08:40 Luís Antunes Veiga

Dear students,

Regarding Exam Review/"Revisão de Prova" will be taking place next Wednesday, July 27, 15h00-17h00.

This will be carried out online individually by each one using Moodle's platform own reviewing functionality. 

Further instructions are posted in the Lectures/"Aulas Teóricas" Section (same as for the 1st Exam).

The grades for the second exam and global grades after 2nd exam are published in the Pautas/Grades Section.

Good work.


2nd Exam - Room allocation

19 julho 2022, 13:56

2nd exam

15 julho 2022, 12:45

2nd Exam (enrollment and study)

14 julho 2022, 11:43

Grades for 1st Exam

12 julho 2022, 18:37

Corpo Docente

Luís Antunes Veiga


Rodrigo Bruno