Nano Thermofluids Research (Nature) Lab
RD&I activities in the areas: thermophysical and transport features of thermal fluids like nanofluids and ionanocolloids and their applications in advanced thermal managements and energy conversion systems; nanoscale and microscale heat transfer; microfluidic technologies.Lab and Group Head: Prof. Sohel Murshed
Researchers/Students/Visiting Fellows:
Dr Wagd AjeebPostdoctoral Researcher
Dr Marco Antonio Marcos MillánPostdoctoral Researcher
Dr Elaine FabrePostdoctoral Researcher
(2020- 2022)
Engr. Diogo Roque
(2020- 2022)
Jaime Pinto
(2021- )
Filipa Almeida
Research Student
(2023- )
Lourenço Mozzicafreddo
Research student
Rui Mira
Research student
Andre Governo
Research student
Renato Silva
Research student
Miguel Sousa
Research student
Sergio Albeniz
Research student
André Branquinho
Research student
Tiago Monjardino
Research student