- Premios Cientifico Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos 2022 (ULisboa/CGD Scientific Award 2022) in the areas of Mechanical, Naval and Aerospace Engineering.
- DUO-India Professor Fellowship Award 2020 (under ASEM-DUO Fellowship Program sponsored by Government of India).
- Best Paper Award in the 5th International Conference in Fluid Flow and Thermal Science (ICFFTS2024), 21-23 November 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.
-Title: Convective Heat Transfer Performance of SiO2/BN Hybrid Nanofluids in Minichannel
Authors: T. Mongardino and S.M.S. Murshed
- Best Paper Award in the 9th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT2024), 11-13 April 2024, London, United Kingdom.
-Title: Propylene glycol:water-based nanofiber and spherical Ag nanofluids as advanced working fluids.
Authors: M.A. Marcos, J. P. Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed and L. Lugo
- Best Paper Award (from my lab) in the 4th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research and Applications (ICAERA'23), 07-09 December 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
-Title: BN:SiO2 Hybrid Nanofluids Based on Ethylene Glycol:Water as Enhanced Thermal Fluids.
Authors: M.A. Marcos, F. Almeida, J. P. Vallejo, S.M.S. Murshed and L. Lugo
- Two Best Paper Awards (from my lab) in the 8th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer (MHMT23), 26-28 April 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Title: Thermal properties of SiC and BN nanofluids for heat transfer applications.
Authors: W. Ajeeb and S.M.S. Murshed
-Title: Propylene glycol-water based titanium carbonitride nanofluids designed for heat transfer applications.
Authors: M.A. Marcos, J. P. Vallejo, W. Ajeeb, S.M.S. Murshed and L. Lugo
- Enrique Julia Award 2021 (from my lab) in the 3rd European Symposium on Nanofluids (ESNF), 9-10 September 2021, Iasi, Romania.
Accolades for highly cited research:-Title: Heat transfer performance of ZrO2 nanofluids in a gasketed plate heat exchanger,
Authors: U. Calviño, W. Ajeeb, L. Lugo and S.M.S. Murshed
- For publishing research in the top 5% of highly cited works from the Royal Society of Chemistry Journals in 2022:
E. Fabre and SMS Murshed, A review of the thermophysical properties and potential of ionic liquids for thermal applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2021, 9, 29, 15861.
Distinct Publications:
A dozen of my articles received distinction. For example:
- Murshed S.M.S., Leong K.C. and Yang C., Enhanced thermal conductivity of TiO2-water based nanofluids, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 44 (2005) 367-373.
- Murshed S.M.S., Leong K.C. and Yang C., Investigations of thermal conductivity and viscosity of nanofluids, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 47 (2008) 560-568.
(This article was 1st among Top 10 Scopus cited articles published in this journal since 2007 and was ranked 5th among Top 25 Hottest Articles in 2011. It is also a Top Most Downloaded Articles and has current citations of 937 (Scopus). Until June 2018 this was classified as a Highly Cited Paper (Data from WS Essential Science Indicators ℠)
- Murshed S.M.S., Leong K.C. and Yang C., Thermophysical and electrokinetic properties of nanofluids- A critical review, Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (2008) 2109-2125.
(This article was 1st among Top 10 Scopus cited articles published in this journal since 2007. It has current citations of 581 (Scopus). Until September 2018 this was also classified as a Highly Cited Paper by WS Essential Science Indicators ℠.)
- Murshed S.M.S., Leong K.C. and Yang C., A combined model for the effective thermal conductivity of nanofluids, Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 2477-2483.
(This was recorded as one of the most cited Applied Thermal Engineering articles published since 2009.)
PRÉMIOS CIENTÍFICOS UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA (2022)/SCIENTIFIC AWARDS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LISBONémio científico ULisboa/CGD atribuído a investigador do IDMEC/ULisboa/CGD scientific award given to a researcher from IDMEC
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