Últimos anúncios
Slack Workspace
20 março 2020, 00:48 • Mário Gaspar da Silva
As discussed in class, I created a Slack Workspace for our class.
Sent email invites to everyone registered on Fenix
You also may join with your @tecnico email account with this link https://join.slack.com/t/isthealthinformatics/signup if your invite went to your junk folder.
Online Class Meetings this semester (staring March 19)
17 março 2020, 17:05
New Homework Schedule
11 março 2020, 20:10
No classes this week, homework hand-in dates changed
11 março 2020, 18:35
Classes by teleconference from now on
9 março 2020, 22:00
Corpo Docente
Daniel Pedro de Jesus Faria
Maria José Parreira Santos