
Return to presential lectures in alternate weeks

9 novembro 2020, 16:04 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Tomorrow, November 10th, theoretical lectures will resume on the lecture rooms, with Professor Miguel Pardal.

This week is an even week, so students with an even number are invited back to be present at the classroom.

The links for the Zoom transmission are the following:

Lab grades

4 novembro 2020, 18:32 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

The complete lab grades have been published

The grades are presented in a 0 to 3 scale, where red = 1, yellow = 2, green = 3

Please confirm that everything is correct until the end of this week.

Project advisor assignments

29 outubro 2020, 09:08 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

We have published an updated list of project topics and with indication of project advisors.
The project advisor will be the person giving feedback on your proposal and will advise you during the project.
In the list, MP stands for Miguel Pardal, RC Ricardo Chaves, VG Vasco Guita, PA Pedro Adão.

If your project advisor is not your lab professor, please contact him as soon as possible, by email, to arrange a regular communication schedule.

List of assigned project topics after enrollment closed

24 outubro 2020, 10:25 Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal

Updated list of assigned topics.

Please confirm your group's topic, and get started on the proposal.

New lecture links - Remote only

23 outubro 2020, 14:31 Ricardo Chaves

Dear students,

for the next weeks the link for the lectures is the following:

These lectures will be presented by professor Ricardo Chaves.

These lecture will be only remote, without physical presence.