Special season enrollments
20 julho 2021, 10:35 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
Dear students. We have received no enrollments for the special evaluation season, so the special season exam will not need to occur.
Special season project
11 julho 2021, 15:54 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
This announcement describes the requirements for the project of Network and Computer Security / Segurança Informática em Redes e Sistemas (SIRS) course for the Special Evaluation Season.
We reprint the relevant part of the evaluation methodology: The evaluation in the special period is isolated from the regular period. Grades from the normal period cannot be reused. The special period evaluation has 2 components: exam (50%) and individual project (50%).
1. Calendar
The special season begins on Wednesday, July 21st, 2021. However, we recommend you request the project statement earlier, starting: Monday, July 12th, 2021.
To make the request, send an e-mail to with the subject SIRS EE inscr proj ist12345
with your IST identifier. The body of the e-mail should contain the topic proposals (more details follow in item 2).
The project delivery is on: Thursday, July 26th, 2021, 12:00 (noon). The project discussions start in the afternoon of the same day and in the next day, if necessary.
The special season exam is on Wednesday, July 28th, 2021. The special season concludes on July 30th, 2021.
2. Proposal
The project proposal e-mail, mentioned above, must contain two distinct topic proposals.
The topics can be chosen for past SIRS project topics or self-proposed by the student, in an area of interest in the topics covered by the course.
Each project proposal should describe the problem and the proposed solution in around 200 words.
The project will need to have, at least:
- a secure communication tunnel (e.g. TLS, SSH) using correct configuration;
- the design and deployment of one mechanism using a custom security protocol.
3. Approval
The proposal will need to be selected, modified and approved by the course faculty. After the e-mail with the proposals is received and analyzed, a short meeting will be scheduled to settle and oficialize the topic.
4. Discussion
Each student will have to prepare a presentation and demonstration of the work. The recommended duration is 5 minutes for presentation, and 5 minutes for demonstration.
The presentation must include slides describing, at least:
- the general architecture;
- the initial key distribution and management mechanism;
- the design of the custom security protocol in detail.
5. Final remarks
The special season project will allow you to explore and learn a specific topic, in-depth. Make the most of the learning experience and ask for our feedback as much as possible.
Final grades
18 fevereiro 2021, 10:09 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
The final course grades have been published.
Recovery exam grades
10 fevereiro 2021, 12:45 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
The grades for the second exam have been posted in the 'Grades/Pautas' section.
Please confirm your final grade. If your grade does not appear correctly, please contact us at
Recovery exam revision
10 fevereiro 2021, 09:29 • Miguel Filipe Leitão Pardal
The recovery exam grades will be posted soon.