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Project Grades

18 fevereiro 2021, 17:43 Alexandre José Malheiro Bernardino

The project grades are available in the Grades section of the web page.

Any issue should be communicated by email until this Friday, 19th Feb, 24h.
Students in condition to defend the grade (18, 19, or 20) should communicate the intent to defend the grade until this Friday, 19th Feb, 18h.
Students with grades below 13 should contact the teaching staff to schedule the oral exam until this Friday, 19th Feb, 18h.

Equipment Restitution 2

24 janeiro 2021, 10:30

Equipment Restitution

12 janeiro 2021, 23:39

Policy for Late Submissions

9 janeiro 2021, 12:53

Final Report

6 janeiro 2021, 16:08

Corpo Docente

Alexandre José Malheiro Bernardino



Pedro Emanuel Antunes Ouro Vicente

Ricardo Adriano Ribeiro