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User study - a few remarks

26 janeiro 2023, 12:58 Daniel Simões Lopes

For those interested on conducting a user study please note that you will need to deliver, until February 13th, the following documents: 

- all the form documents (e.g., Informed Consent, Demographic Profile, SUS, NASA-TLX, IPQ, etc)
- user study script- a more complete report with a 'User Study' section and statistical analysis

Please send these materials in a single *.zip file to your lab lecturer via WeTransfer. 
Also, do not forget to add your group's ID to the file name.

Equipment return

23 janeiro 2023, 17:31

Exam - Last Chance to Improve or Pass the Theoretical Component!

23 janeiro 2023, 15:48

Final Project Bundle submission

11 janeiro 2023, 18:21

Announcements regarding the Final Project Presentation + Bundle Deadline

9 janeiro 2023, 11:42

Corpo Docente

Daniel Simões Lopes



Joaquim Jorge



Anderson Maciel