
Analysis of Task Plan Stochastic Performance

5 maio 2016, 10:00 Pedro Urbano Lima

Equivalent Markov Chains and MDPs of Exponential Timed PNs. Plan analysis problems. 

Introduction to Cooperative Robotics.

Robot Task Plan Representation (2)

28 abril 2016, 11:30 Pedro Urbano Lima

Petri nets. Stochastic timed view: GSPNs and MDPs.

Robot Task Plan Representation (1)

28 abril 2016, 10:00 Pedro Urbano Lima

State Machines. Behaviour Trees.

Motion Planning (2)

21 abril 2016, 11:30 Pedro Urbano Lima

Fast Marching methods.

Motion Planning (1)

21 abril 2016, 10:00 Pedro Urbano Lima

Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs)