
Project Support

4 abril 2018, 17:00 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Explanation of the workflow of the available project source code.

How to kickstart the project.

Rendering the moves counter.

Project Support

4 abril 2018, 15:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Explanation of the workflow of the available project source code.

How to kickstart the project.

Rendering the moves counter.

Aula Prática 3

4 abril 2018, 09:30 Bertinho Manuel D'Andrade da Costa

-Funções e passagem de matrizes para funções. Processamento de strings, armazenamento de strings em matrizes de caracteres (linhas da matriz) , procura de caracteres em strings e de strings em strings. Operações matriciais.

SDL2 Graphic Library

2 abril 2018, 15:30 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Introduction to the SDL2 graphic library.

Loading and rendering images as well as capturing events.

SDL2 Graphic Library

2 abril 2018, 14:00 João Miguel Duarte Ascenso

Introduction to the SDL2 graphic library. 

Loading and rendering images as well as capturing events.