
Course organisation

14 setembro 2020, 16:28 José Santos-Victor

Dear students,

Welcome to the Image Processing and Vision course (PIV)!

As classes will start next week, and while we conclude the final adjustments to the course, please consider the following:

- You will be automatically registered in two sets of students (A, and B) according to your student number (even/ odd).
- Students are expected to be on campus on alternative weeks, according to partitions A and B.

PIV Lectures
- Lectures will start next week. The first lecture will take place in the lecture room EA2 for the set of students available on campus. The other students will participate via the zoom link. 
- We will see how to proceed for the next classes, depending on the experience of the mixed presential/remote class.

PIV Labs and Project
- You have to register for the lab sessions, see schedule, within the limit of partitions A/B (half the students on campus on alternate weeks).
- The PIV project will be done in groups (3 students, to be confirmed) but this is uncorrelated with the participation in the Lab sessions. In other words, the members of the project group do not have to participate in the same lab session.
- The Lab sessions will assist you developing the project and will serve also as continuous evaluation.

Exams (50%) + Project (50%, including the feedback during the Lab sessions)

- We will post additional information during the week, as more detailed information becomes available.

Please let me know if you have additional questions
José Santos-Victor