
Project/Lab classes update

1 dezembro 2020, 23:50 João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

Check the following pages as new datasets have been added and notes for implementation
Note the deadline for submission (requirements for report and submission will be posted later)
Classes thursday will be "mixed" both on zoom and "in presence".
From now on everybody has lab classes every week: half "in presence" and the other half on zoom, following the usual schedule between odd/even weeks. In other words, this week is odd so students of shift A can show up "in presence" and shift B will be on zoom. Next week we switch.

WE NEED TO CHANGE ROOM  since the lab has no conditions for videoconference. Because I need to install the setup I'll move the  8.00 class to 9.30 , so:
 - classes will be from 9.30-11.00, 11.00-12.30 and 14.00-15.30 . The room is in the 4th floor (note the change), in  the videoconference room.

I'll be answering questions about the project implementation but will also touch several important issues: 1)  SVD and a review of the procrustes problem (see the handwritten notes) 2) color and 3) background subtraction/detection of moving objects.
Zoom is terrible for interaction so if you have specific questions and want to show me something I recommend you show up "in presence", but you can always opt for attending class through zoom.
Dear All,
--------------- NEW Announcement --------------
The room number for tomorrow's class is 4.12.

The zoom link


Thank you

Monday's lecture: only on Zoom.

29 novembro 2020, 13:45 José Santos-Victor

Dear students,
As I shared with you last Friday, the lectures of Monday, Nov 30 and Dec. 7, will be given on Zoom *only* as the in-person activities on campus are suspended for those days.
Best regards and stay safe.
José Santos-Victor 

Part 2 and Part 3 - code protocol

23 novembro 2020, 16:54 João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

Dear All,

Please check here  the final protocol for your code for part 3 (and 2) of the project.

I'm still defining the part 2 (object tracking) but I'll clarify all shortly

Thank you jP

Problem Set

19 novembro 2020, 22:22 José Santos-Victor

Dear students,

As I announced last week, part of tomorrow's lecture will be devoted to the discussion of the sample test I shared with you.
I expect you to engage in the discussion, meaning that you should have solved the problems on your own before tomorrow's class.

Best regards,
José Santos-Victor 

Submission of corrected code (part 1)

16 novembro 2020, 19:07 João Paulo Salgado Arriscado Costeira

The webpage for re-sumbission of your part 1

Site closes at 11:59 Friday 20 November 2020