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Case F published...

22 março 2020, 19:33 José Borbinha

Case F is in the respective section...

This week there is a lot to read, but most of it can be only browsed (it can be secondary but can motivate the students for interesting questions to Miguel Simões, the expert auditor that will provide the seminar on the April 16, which, as for all the seminars, will be a NOT TO MISS ;-)
This is going to be an individual case!!!

Case E reviews - table fixed

22 março 2020, 19:29

Case D grades published and Case E ready for review...

21 março 2020, 21:21

Project groups and industries

20 março 2020, 18:24

On-line seminaries - information for access...

19 março 2020, 12:30

Corpo Docente

José Borbinha



Diogo Alexandre Breites de Campos Proença

Paulo Guedes