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Computational Project

24 janeiro 2024, 13:13 Jorge Tiago

The maximum time for the development of the computational project has been extended until February 8th.

The reports are expected to Include:
 (A) Abstract  (summarizing the questions being addressed in the report and the methodology used to answer these questions)
 (I) Introduction: providing more context to the questions being addressed, including the bibliography that has been consulted
(M) Methods: 
   i) Mathematical models (meaning of the variables, equations, meaning of the parameters, initial values, boundary conditions, etc)
   ii) Computational Tools (steps for geometry construction if applied, weak formulations, description of the time discretization,...)
   iii) Description of the numerical experiments that are going to be executed (including the specific boundary conditions, parameters, index to be computed,...)
(R) Results (pictures and/or tables according to M-iii), properly identified and labeled. A brief analysis of the results.  
(C) Conclusion (summarizing the achievements, the limitations, and perspectives for improvement)
(Ap) Appendix (FreeFEM or Matlab scripts, geometries,  allowing the reproduction of the results...)

The report should be synthetic and range between 8 and  20 pages, according to the type of results being presented. 

Assignment 3

2 dezembro 2023, 00:49

Oral presentations

7 novembro 2023, 19:10

Corpo Docente

Jorge Tiago

