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Old, dirty and with dust Electric Machines

21 fevereiro 2021, 23:14 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Resultado de imagem para not goodbye but see you soon
My dear Students, Portuguese and not Portuguese,

Even being in the "zoom wonderland" and sometimes in the laboratory with you, I have learned that sympathy is a feeling that surpasses any barrier. From Venezuela to India, I knew wonderful hurt that made me proud to be your teacher! Thanks, my dear ex-students but always new friends!

Paulo Branco

Publicação de Notas

15 fevereiro 2021, 09:56

Final Grades and Solutions | Grade Revision

3 fevereiro 2021, 17:26

Here you have the LINK and the RAR file with exam and the answers sheet.

2 fevereiro 2021, 16:39

Exam N2: No need to divide the exam in A and B

2 fevereiro 2021, 15:10

Corpo Docente

Paulo Jose da Costa Branco



João Guilherme Raimundo Garcia