Últimos anúncios

Not a goodbye but an until later!!

2 março 2022, 20:44 Paulo Jose da Costa Branco

Electrical Machines students,
Thank you very much, indeed for your efforts and sympathy.
We enjoyed having all of you in our classes this year and appreciated all the effort you put into your work.
We are sure you all will go on to do great things since you are talented and smart, too.
Do not give up of your dreams, NEVER, NEVER, even dawning, swim, swim stringer...!

Prof. Paulo Branco and Prof. João Fernandes

Publicação de Notas

28 fevereiro 2022, 10:13

Publicação de Notas

28 fevereiro 2022, 09:58

Publicação de Notas

28 fevereiro 2022, 09:11

Exams and preliminary grades + Exam's revision (new version)

3 dezembro 2021, 10:13

Corpo Docente

Paulo Jose da Costa Branco



João Filipe Pereira Fernandes