
Publicação de Notas

18 janeiro 2021, 11:15 Pedro Urbano Lima

As notas finais estão afixadas na página respetiva. Na ausência de quaisquer objeções a pauta será enviada para a Secretaria na sexta feira dia 22 de Janeiro.

Mini-Project 1 report due 6 Nov

3 novembro 2020, 15:08 Pedro Urbano Lima

The Mini-Project 1 report is due 6 nov 23:59. Each group must follow the guidelines for reporting and deliver its report in pdf format through fenix as a "Project" of "MiniProject 1".

Changes in Office Hours

22 outubro 2020, 15:19 Pedro Urbano Lima

Office hours days and times have changed:

  • Pedro Lima's office hours (Wednesdays, ZOOM, 10:00-11:00)
  • João Quintas' office hours (Thursdays, presencial LSDC4 and ZOOM, 11:00-13:00)

Check the "ZOOM Classes" section for the ZOOM links

MiniProject groups

22 setembro 2020, 19:24 Pedro Urbano Lima

Changes with respect to what is written in the presentation slides, following today's class:

  • groups will have 2 students each
  • each real Thursday shift will have a total of 6 groups (3 presenting in odd weeks, 3 presenting in even weeks), in a total of 12 groups (there are two real Lab shifts every Thursday)
  • groups presenting in odd weeks (3 in the 08:00-09:30 real shift, 3 in the 09:30-11:00 real shift) will be composed of students with odd numbers (enrolled in virtual shift A)
  • groups presenting in even weeks (3 in the 08:00-09:30 real shift, 3 in the 09:30-11:00 real shift) will be composed of students with even numbers (enrolled in virtual shift B)
The enrollment in groups will be made through fenix starting 12:00 Wed, 23 Sep(you can get help finding group mates in the course Forum, topic "Labs Enrollment")

Given the number of elements per group, all members can one to Lab classes for presencial progress reports, in their assigned week.

  • Odd shifts (A) will present on Oct 8, 22, Nov 5, 19, Dec 3, 14
  • Even shifts (B) will present on Oct 15, 29, Nov 12, 26, Dec 10, 14

First week of classes

19 setembro 2020, 18:50 Pedro Urbano Lima

The first class of Introduction to Robotics will be introductory to the course and will be held remotely, using ZOOM (this link) on Tuesday 22/Sep, 11:00-12:30.

Check the information in the Course presentation slides in the Slides section before the class. Though the goal is to have Theory classes presencial (up to the room limits due to te pandemic situation) with simultaneous streaming, this will not be the case Tuesday.

All classes will be recorded and made available to the students online.

It is very important to attend this first class, so as to understand how this project course works.