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Marks and exam revision - 2nd phase

5 fevereiro 2018, 15:52 Helena Silva Barranha Gomes

The marks after the 2nd exam will be available next Wednesday, 7th February, on the section: Notas / Marks.

The exam revision will take place on Thursday, 8th February, between 17h00 and 18h00, as follows:
- Prof. Bárbara Coutinho, office 3.32
- Prof. Helena Barranha, office 3.48

Marks and exam revision

24 janeiro 2018, 18:59

Marks and exam revision

24 janeiro 2018, 18:59

Class for doubts - tomorrow, january 4th, 11-12, VA1

3 janeiro 2018, 09:42

Class for doubts - tomorrow, january 4th, 11-12, VA1

3 janeiro 2018, 09:42

Corpo Docente

Ana Cristina Dos Santos Tostões



Bárbara dos Santos Coutinho

Helena Silva Barranha Gomes