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Second exam grades

9 fevereiro 2017, 19:15 Carlos Augusto Santos Silva

Dear all, 
Please find the final grades of the course in the file at https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/563568428741508/GEne5179_ExamII_09021017.pdf
There you can find the second exam grades, and the corrected first exam grades and missing MOOC and LAB grades.
Any question, please send an email.
To review the exam, please come to IN+, Mecanica II building, 1st floor, at 17H.
Best regards,
Carlos Silva

Second exam grades

9 fevereiro 2017, 19:15

EXAM II grades (Thursday 9th in the evening) and Review - Friday 10th at 17H00

7 fevereiro 2017, 14:38

Exam I Grades

27 janeiro 2017, 14:08

Exam I Grades

27 janeiro 2017, 14:08

Corpo Docente

Carlos Augusto Santos Silva



Samuel Niza

Tania Alexandra Dos Santos Costa e Sousa